Seachem Flourish Excel helps enhance plant growth in planted aquariums
This article explains how you can setup a beautiful planted aquarium using Seachem’s Excel product. Excel is a liquid carbon supplement that helps aquarium plants grow faster. Excel tanks are very easy to maintain and are in fact the safest bet for planted tank ‘noobs’ as it acts as a natural algaecide thus helping keep all algae at bay! Read on to learn how you can setup an amazing planted tank.
Low Tech Seachem Excel based Planted Tank Guide
Learn everything you need to know to setup a Low Tech Planted Aquarium. You won’t have to worry about battling algae and you can enjoy having a beautiful planted aquarium in your home. This article describes in great detail all the steps you need to take to create a lovely planted tank. Read on to learn more …
Click Here if you are looking for my guide on Low Tech Planted Tanks. If you are looking for my article on Low Tech+Excel tanks, click here. I hope you found my article on setting up a low-tech planted tank to be helpful. If you have any questions/comments/thoughts or suggestions, please leave me a comment…