
Reflection-Mod Photoblog Theme Changelog

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.2 (January 31, 2009)

  • Lightbox (SlimBox) effects can be enabled for Category/Tag archive galleries: New in version 1.2 is an option in the admin panel to enable a lightbox effect for quickly browsing through images in your category/tag archives.
Lightbox effect in Category/Tag archives
  • Disable/Enable automatic display of Shot Info (Post Text) with Photoblog Image: Admin panel option to enable or disable the automatic display of your Shot Info/Post text along with the photoblog image. Gives you this option depending on whether the image is of utmost importance or whether you prefer to display both the text and image as a single combined entity.
  • Enable/Disable EXIF link in Photoblog
  • Latest Theme Version Box in Admin Panel: The theme admin panel now displays the latest available version of Reflection-Mod with a link to the download page. Now you will always know if you have the latest version of the theme without having to actively check my site.

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.1 (January 24, 2009)

  • Implemented a multi-level CSS drop down menu: capable of displaying multiple levels of pages in the navbar.

New Dropdown Menu in Reflection-Mod
  • Improved compatibility with older versions of PHP: Introduced an option in the Admin panel to turn of AJAX browsing of images which should make the theme compatible with practically all webhosts and PHP versions.
  • Ability to change image quality: Implemented an admin menu option enabling the user to specify the image quality of images. Higher quality images will take longer to download. Can be optimized for a given webhost's speed/performance.
  • Support for a lower navbar: Make a separate unordered list in header.php with an id of "navbar2" to create a second set of hard coded links in the lower row of the navbar. Can be useful for integrating the photoblog with a regular text-blog running the Refractal theme.

Lower row of links in Navbar

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.0.4 (July 26, 2009)

  • Improved PHP Compatibility: Added JSON encoding function to help with AJAX compatibility for people with PHP version 4.
  • Disable Mosaic Grouping by Year: Added an extra option in the Admin menu to disable the grouping of thumbnails by year. They are still ordered chronologically but will be presented without any sub-grouping.
  • Fixed a minor bug with the dynamic loading of comments. Previously, the homepage would load comments in a chronologically ascending order while the dynamic comment loading was in the reverse order. This has been fixed so that comments are always loaded in Ascending order so that the latest comments are at the end.

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.0.3 (July 05, 2009):

  • Fixed a bug with the Enable/Disable function for "Latest Page" hyperlink display in the header. Thanks to Tuan for pointing it out.

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.0.2 (June 26, 2009):

  • Enable/Disable Reflection Effect: Added a checkbox in the Admin menu to disable the image reflection effect in the theme. This is for the people who prefer a simple look with just the image displayed.
  • Minor tweak with Sidebar dimension/positioning. The previous version had a slight bug which made the "Info" hyperlink a little difficult to click since part of the hyperlink was being masked by the sidebar.

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.0.1 (May 22, 2009):

  • The Tag and Category archive has an upper limit on the number of posts to be displayed. This can be set in your WordPress Dashboard->Settings->Reading->"Blog pages show at most". See the thumbnail below:

Wordpress Dashboard Settings for Reflection-Mod
Set the max number of posts per page for Tag and Category archives

  • The original theme (1.0) did not have an in-built pagination feature if you wished to limit the tag archive display to a smaller number (for example: 49 thumbnails). I have built this in so you will have navigation hyperlinks popup below the thumbnails if there are any more thumbnails within the tag/category archive. Check the thumbnail below to see how it looks (I set max thumbs to 4 to demo it on my photoblog)

Category/Tag archive pagination in Reflection-Mod
Category/Tag archive pagination in Reflection-Mod

Thanks to Martin Klein for bringing this to my attention.

Changes in Reflection-Mod 1.0 (May 19, 2009):

  • Enabled Category listings. When browsing images in a category, Prev/Next image links allow you to browse single images within the same category. I think this is a key feature missing in almost all WordPress photoblog themes (Even Pixelpost). Note: You need fancy permalinks enabled in WordPress for this to work. If you have the default permalink structure, in-category browsing will not work.
  • Enabled Tags listings. While you can browse an archive thumbnail page for all images with the same tag, you cannot browse within the same Tag archive by clicking on Prev/Next. This is currently a limitation of the WordPress hooks for getting posts by Tags.
  • Widget ready sidebar included in the theme. While I prefer to have a completely uncluttered look, I have enabled it to show how it looks. You can use any widget you like.
  • Random images hyperlink now displays a slick slider that pops down with 7 thumbnails of random images from your archive. This allows the user to select an interesting image out of an assortment of random images.
  • Comments and Image Info are now dynamically loaded while browsing and are hidden by default. Clicking on Comments/Infos hyperlinks invokes a slider animation which displays the comments/Image info.
  • Modified Fonts/Font sizes for a better/slicker look (IMHO)
  • Neat slider animations (Javascript - MooTools 1.11) for the Category and Tags listings
  • AJAX effects are persistent throughout the browsing process. In the original theme, clicking on Archives/Comments, etc would break the AJAX browsing mode and would switch to regular page loading.
  • All pages are automatically listed in the NavBar on the top-right.
  • New Admin Menu for theme: Now you can control a host of options from the Admin menu such as Copyright Information, enabling/disabling tags, categories, sidebar, etc. This means you shouldn't have to meddle with the actual theme code.
  • Support for IE6: Although the Prev/Next Overlay on images is broken in IE6, the panel above the image is positioned correctly and the viewer can still browse the AJAXified site by using the << Prev | Next >> Hyperlinks. IE6 support is still broken in Reflection 1.1. Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure about which of all the changes that I made fixed this issue for me so I can't help Dave fix it for Reflection 1.1. However if anyone prefers to use Reflection 1.1, they can feel free to compare the index.php code from Reflection-Mod and Reflection 1.1 to figure it out.
  • Downloadable Photoshop Template for creating customized header logo for the theme.